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Where do our greenhouse gases come from?

This flow chart from research consultancy Ecofys breaks down man-made greenhouse gases worldwide by source and sector. (See a larger PDF version here.) A few takeaways:

Homes use a lot of energy. Residential energy usage is responsible for 11 percent of the greenhouse gas pie, while public and commercial buildings eat up 7 percent. We can do better. To reduce energy use (and save money!), find out what energy efficiency incentives your utility offers, and create a customized plan to reduce your natural gas and electric bills.

It’s not all about fossil fuels. Burning coal, natural gas and oil accounts for 65 percent of greenhouse gas production, but fossil fuels aren’t the only factor. Ecofys attributed more than 10 percent to deforestation—nearly as much as residential energy usage.

The energy industry can be more efficient. Energy usage and losses incurred by the energy industry itself account for more than 8 percent of greenhouse gas production. A modernized power grid eliminates some of these inefficiencies.

What are your takeaways from the graphic?

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