Gas Fact Sheets
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Gas Bill Basics
- Note: In 2021, the average non-electricity bill, which includes gas, was about $73 a month.
- Making Sense of Your Gas Bill
- Legislative Fact Sheet: Heating Affordability and Utility Accountability Act
- Reading Your Meter
- Utility Check List for Renters
- Understanding Your Budget-Billing Plan
- Maintenance Plans
- Understanding the Illinois Commerce Commission
- The Facts on Municipal and Cooperative Utilities
Choosing Another Supplier
- Infographic: See what gas utilities have charged for supply historically. (Best viewed on desktop.)
- The Heat Act: a breakdown
- Infographic: Are you with an alternative supplier? (Spanish and Polish versions)
Gas Efficiency
- CUB’s free Virtual Utility Bill Consultation (This service is also available in Spanish.)
- Nicor Gas Efficiency Programs
- Peoples Gas Efficiency Programs
- North Shore Gas Efficiency Programs
- Ameren Illinois Efficiency Programs
- Heat Pumps
- Smart Thermostats
- Year-Round Energy Savings Tips
- Home Energy Savings Webinar
Need Help Paying Your Bills?
- The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Administered by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, LIHEAP is designed to help eligible low-income households pay for winter energy service. Read CUB’s fact sheet.
- Peoples Gas Share the Warmth. Administered by the Community and Economic Development Association (CEDA), Share the Warmth provides heating grants to limited and fixed-income households. Eligible customers who make a payment toward their bills receive matching grants of up to $200.
- North Shore Gas Share the Warmth. Administered by the Community Action Partnership of Lake County, Share the Warmth provides heating grants of up to $200 to limited and fixed-income households. Eligible customers usually have to make a payment to receive a matching grant.
- Nicor Gas Sharing Program. Qualified residential customers can receive a one-time annual Sharing Grant of $350 or $400, with no requirement to pay back. The program is administered through the Salvation Army.
- Warm Neighbors Cool Friends. This Ameren program provides year-round energy bill payment assistance and home weatherization to make harsh winters and hot summers bearable. Eligible households can receive up to $350 to help pay for energy costs ($350 during the heating season and $200 during the cooling season.)
- Ameren Payment Assistance. Ameren Illinois offers several forms of financial assistance, including short-term, one-time payment extensions and fixed monthly payment agreements to settle past balances.
Gas Guides
- CUB’s Gas & Electric Guide: A handbook for residential gas and electric customers in Illinois: This guide is the result of years of research and writing by CUB staffers who have become experts on state regulations and utility tariffs. From applying for utility service to disconnection of service, this guide offers an in-depth overview of gas and electric utilities in Illinois.
- CUB’s Guide to Going Green: Energy efficiency is good for climate change and your bottom line. In this guide, we lay out our recommendations for making your home more environmentally friendly while lowering your bills.
- CUB’s Better Heat Guide: Steps to a Cheaper, Cleaner Way to Heat Our Homes in Chicago: This guide was made for Chicago residents who want to explore switching their heat from gas to electricity. (Not from Chicago? Read our statewide guide.)