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Say cheese! Enter CUB’s photo contest and you could win $300

Are you proud of your community? Show it off for CUB’s 30th Anniversary Photo Contest!

Take a photo of yourself (or a loved one) incorporating some aspect of your community—a town sign, landmark, natural wonder, roadside attraction, etc. Email your photo to [email protected] or mail to 309 W. Washington St., Ste. 800, Chicago, IL, 60606.

The person who best shows off love for their community will win $300 towards their next utility bills!

The CUB family has been having a blast showing off their favorite spots:

Scott hangs out with his pal, Abe, in Hillsboro

Scott hangs out with his pal, Abe, in Hillsboro


Christie spends the morning with her son at “The Castle” in Beverly

Here’s me at Wrigley Field in Chicago—site of the 2014 World Series. (Well, it WILL happen someday!)

Here’s me at Wrigley Field in Chicago—site of the 2014 World Series. (Well, it WILL happen someday!)

Rajiv stands in front of the Old State Capitol in Springfield, where Abraham Lincoln gave his great “House Divided” speech.

Rajiv stands in front of the Old State Capitol in Springfield, where Abraham Lincoln gave his great “House Divided” speech.

We can’t wait to see more of your hometowns!  Send your photos by October 1, and use hashtag #CUBLove when you upload to social media for the chance to win a bonus light bulb drawing!