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We’ve got a winner!

Anam E. of Alsip has won CUB’s Thermostat Giveaway. Congratulations Anam!

Anam’s name was pulled from among 1,600 other hopefuls to win the high-tech thermostat, which allows consumers to remotely control a home’s temperature from a smartphone or tablet.

CUB asked people to answer a quick poll on whether they owned a smart thermostat, which can cut heating and cooling costs by 20 percent. Everyone who answered the quick poll was entered in the giveaway.

Of 1,607 respondents, the vast majority said they did not own a thermostat. Now would be a good time to buy one, because of unprecedented rebates.

Northern Illinois customers are eligible to receive rebates of up to $150 on select smart thermostats. The rebates could cover more than half the cost of the devices, which normally retail for about $249.

Ameren customers can take advantage of a rebate of up to $100.

Check with your utilities for more details:


Nicor Gas

Peoples Gas

North Shore Gas


Want a chance to win more great prizes? Take our cable quick poll by noon, Wednesday, August 31.