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T-Mobile offers new phone payment plan

John Legere is at it again. The quirky T-Mobile CEO, who likes to call his own industry “stupid, broken, and arrogant,” has introduced yet another promotion that we hope takes the wireless industry at least a baby step closer to its customers.

T-Mobile CEO John Legere has proven himself to be the most outspoken CEO of the big cellphone carriers. See our Facebook post: https://ow.ly/nzaaS

T-Mobile CEO John Legere has proven himself to be the most outspoken CEO of the big cellphone carriers.  See our recent Facebook post: https://ow.ly/nzaaS

On the heels of his new “Jump” plan, allowing customers to upgrade their smartphones more frequently, Legere’s new promotion tackles a customers’ ability to pay for the latest smartphones.

T-Mobile’s “Unprecedented Deal” (Legere’s not exactly known  for subtlety) will, for a limited time, allow consumers to buy the latest smartphones at no upfront cost. Instead, customers can spread the costs out over a 24-month period. The payments will not include interest (dependent on customer credit), and will range from $6-$27 per month depending on the chosen phone.

While the “Jump” plan requires customers to tack on an extra $10 per month charge to their bills in order to qualify for the more-frequent upgrades, Legere’s “Deal” does not immediately appear to have any additional costs. This could make it a good option for customers who want to have the latest devices but don’t always have hundreds of dollars lying around to buy a new smartphone.

As with any new wireless offer, make sure to read the fine print to look for any hidden fees or restrictions before signing on. While CUB does not endorse any particular phone carrier, it’s encouraging to see a company taking steps toward giving customers as many options as possible. We hope Mr. Legere doesn’t stop!

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