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Join CUB’s Double Your Donation Challenge!

20160208_doubledonations_enewsToday, we need your help.  A generous CUB benefactor has agreed to match all donations, up to a total of $1,000, this week only!

Please, join CUB’s Double Your Donation challenge so that we can fight these 2016 battles:

  • ComEd-parent Exelon is still pressuring Springfield to raise bills by $1.6 billion over 5 years, despite raking in more than $20 billion in profits over the past decade.
  • Consumer advocates have uncovered evidence that Peoples Gas executives may have tried to hide $4 billion+ in projected cost overruns. Now, we’re fighting to subpoena those execs—and protect customers from wasteful spending.
  • Ameren just received $150 million in rate hikes, and we’re preparing for another rate-hike proposal in the coming months.
  • We helped win a U.S. Supreme Court battle to stop big power generators from killing a money-saving efficiency program, but we’re fighting for more reforms as customers face electricity price spikes of up to 30%.  
  • We want to secure a Nicor Gas rate cut of up to $52 million a year, as a condition for an upcoming merger.

Last year, we saved Illinois consumers $93 million. We know we can do even  more in 2016 with your support.  Your donation goes twice as far this week—and we need all the help we can get to take on these utility giants.

Help us reach our $1,000 goal!


Join the fight for lower utility bills in 2025!