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Decrease means new ComEd delivery rates

CUB Note: The following article only deals with delivery rates—what you pay ComEd to deliver power to your homes. As for another part of the bill, we are waiting to hear what ComEd’s new supply rate—what you pay for the actual electricity—will be on June 1. We expect to learn what the new supply rate is in the next week to 10 days. Once we know the new rate, we will alert you. Thank you! 

ComEd has released new delivery rates, reflecting a $17.5 million decrease

The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) approved the rate cut in March, in connection with the rehearing of a portion of a 2016 case in which ComEd received a $127.5 million rate hike. The rehearing, agreed to by all parties, is tied to a reduction in employee bonuses after ComEd adjusted its reporting procedures to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA).

Thank you to the 1,500+ CUB Action Network members who sent messages to regulators in favor of lower rates!

This cut affects delivery charges, what all customers pay to have the electricity delivered to their homes. Those charges take up a third to a half of the overall bill.

While the original $127.5 million rate hike meant an average increase of about $2 a month, the rate cut reduces that to about $1.66 a month, according to ComEd. As CUB said: “This rate reduction is small but welcome relief.”

Check out the new rates, which took effect in April:

Single family homes without space heat

Monthly Customer Charge: $11.12/month (Down from $11.21/month)

Distribution Facilities Charge: 3.472 cents/kilowatt-hour(kWh)(Down from 3.505 cents/kWh)

Multifamily homes without space heat

Monthly Customer Charge: $8.06/month (Down from $8.13/month)

Distribution Facilities Charge: 2.772 cents/kWh (Down from 2.798 cents/kWh)

Single Family homes with space heat

Monthly Customer Charge: $12.75/month (Down from $12.86/month)

Distribution Facilities Charge: 1.744 cents/kWh (Down from 1.762 cents/kWh)

Multifamily homes with space heat

Monthly Customer Charge: $8.64/month (Down from $8.70/month)

Distribution Facilities Charge: 1.751 cents/kWh (Down from 1.768 cents/month)

Note: For all rate classes, the Standard Metering Charge was reduced from $4.70/month to $4.66/month.

For more information, visit our making sense of your electric bill fact sheet.

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