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Good news, for a change

It’s easy to get discouraged when talking about rate hikes and rip-offs. But here’s some good news:

One of Illinois’ biggest newspapers praised the Clean Energy Jobs Act, which CUB has been fighting for in Springfield. Read the Chicago Sun-Times editorial

Please send a message to your legislators in favor of the Clean Energy Jobs Act. (We need 100% participation!)  

Solar consumer protections 
CUB and other advocates are working for consumer protections for solar customers, to avoid the types of problems we’ve encountered with alternative electric suppliers. Read the story.

Gas bills
Nicor Gas’ record-setting rate hike has been reduced. But CUB says it’s still too high. Read why.

Electric bills
Order CUB’s FREE guide on avoiding electricity rip-offs. It includes a comprehensive list of electric offers across Illinois. Share it with friends and family.

Join the fight for lower utility bills in 2025!