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CUB’s upcoming virtual events in March

We are continuing to host our events virtually to keep you safe and up-to-date on important information about your utility bills and new legislation. If you want to learn more about consumer protections, ways to save money on your utility bills, understanding solar programs and more, check out our upcoming events for the month of March!

Have questions or just want to chat with the CUB staff? Every Friday at 11 a.m. we host Coffee with CUB to answer your utility questions and talk! Join us by visiting our Facebook page and watch us via Facebook Live. We also host a Spanish language version, Cafecito con CUB, on Tuesdays at 2 p.m.!

5:00 – 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, March 10: Rockford Virtual Utility Bill Clinic
Join us for a free online event to learn more about reducing electric, gas, and both landline and cell phone bills. Each participant will speak one-on-one with a CUB counselor to discuss their bills in a private and secure video call. Learn more about this event and register here.

7:00 – 9:00 p.m., Wednesday, March 10: Batavia’s Green Night Out at the Movies
Join for a Facebook Live event of Batavia’s 12th annual Green Night Out at the Movies featuring “Current Revolution.” The event features an environmentally-themed movie and a lively discussion about the topic of the movie with local experts afterward. Learn more here.

5:30 – 7:30 p.m., Thursday, March 11: Presentación con CUB: Ahorre energía y evite estafas
Ahorrar energía no necesariamente tiene que costar más dinero. CUB te dice cómo puedes ahorrar energía y cómo ahorrar en tus recibos. Además, te mostraremos cómo identificar anormalidades en tus recibos. Regístrese aquí.

6:00 – 7:00 p.m., Thursday, March 11: Facebook Live: DCEO & CUB Talk About LIHEAP
Are you having trouble affording your utility bills during this unprecedented crisis? Join CUB and the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) to learn about funding available to help families pay their electric/natural gas bills. Learn more here.

6:00 – 7:00 p.m., Monday, March 15: Facebook Live: DCEO y CUB hablan sobre LIHEAP
¿Tiene problemas para pagar sus facturas de servicios públicos durante esta crisis sin precedentes? Únase a CUB y al Departamento de Comercio y Oportunidades Económicas (DCEO) para conocer sobre los fondos disponibles de apoyo para ayudar a familias a pagar sus facturas de electricidad y gas natural. Aprende más aquí.

5:30 – 6:30 p.m., Thursday, March 25: Presentación con CUB: Tu servicio de cable y llamadas no deseadas
¿Estás cansado de los costos planes de servicio de cable y de recibir llamadas no deseadas? CUB te dice cómo disminuir tus facturas del cable, cuáles alternativas hay para tu servicio de TV y además te enseñaremos como evitar llamadas no deseadas. Aprende más aquí.

Join the fight for lower utility bills in 2025!