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Sunshine & poses: Skokie resident’s solar snapshot wins CUB’s Clean Energy Scavenger Hunt

Congratulations to Robert of Skokie for winning CUB’s Clean Energy Scavenger Hunt! We asked for clean energy-themed photos, and his picture was randomly selected out of all the submissions to win $100. Check out his winning photo, featuring his brother in front of a school outfitted with solar panels in Skokie:

 “I attended a CUB ‘Utility Bill Checkup’ about 5 years ago,” Robert said. “Since then I peruse my utility bills every month.”

Keep reading those bills, Robert! Big thanks to you and all the CUB supporters who sent in a photo of themselves, a pet or a family member and a symbol of clean energy–solar panels, electric vehicles, even a light bulb. CUB was happy to see all the creative submissions.

For information about renewable energy and efficiency tips, go to CUB’s Clean Energy page

Here are some of the fantastic submissions we received: