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Another way to take action against $2.9B in rate-hike requests: File a public comment with the ICC

In the wake of the $2.9 billion barrage of utility rate-hike requests there is yet another way to join the fight against these proposed gas and electric increases: File a public comment with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC). 

We’ve made it easy to do with the links below. If you’re a customer of one or more of the utilities below, just tap the link to the right utility and file your comment.  

Be clear and direct, but polite. Speak from the heart about how these rate hikes will hurt you and urge the ICC to reject them. 

ComEd, filed Jan. 17: $1.5 billion over four years.

Ameren Illinois (electric), filed Jan. 20: $481 million over four years

Peoples Gas, Jan. 6: $402 million

Nicor Gas, Jan. 4: $320 million

Ameren Illinois (gas), Jan. 6: $148 million

North Shore Gas, Jan. 6: $17 million

If you’re struggling with your utility bills, please check out the CUB’s Help Center and read our blog on how to protect yourself from utility disconnections