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Save energy and money with these winter efficiency tips

Energy efficiency tips for getting through Illinois’ rough winters:  

Get rid of the clutter. Make sure heating vents are open and not blocked by furniture or carpet. Clean dust from vents or along baseboard heaters.

Weatherstrip. Weatherstripping can be used to seal air leaks around doors and windows. By keeping warm air in and preventing cold outside air from leaking indoors, weatherstripping can help you save on your heating bills. This is especially true in older homes with leaky windows and doors. Energy.gov’s helpful fact sheet breaks down your weatherstripping options and provides some installation guidance. (Also, if you have storm doors or windows, make sure to install them before the cold arrives. Now is a good time to inspect and repair them, if necessary.)

Utilize your blinds. During the day, open your blinds and let sunlight warm and light your home. Once the sun goes down, close your blinds to prevent cold air from getting in. If you still feel cold air coming from your windows, consider the weatherstripping tips above. You also can seal windows with clear plastic wrap and purchasing insulated curtains for additional layers of defense.

Be smart about your thermostat. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that consumers can save up to 10% on their energy bills by turning the thermostat down 7-10 degrees for eight hours a day. The Energy Department recommends keeping your thermostat at about 68-70 degrees when you’re home and awake, and lowering it when you’re leaving the house or going to sleep. Don’t ever set it below 55 degrees–that risks freezing your pipes. Consider buying a programmable or smart thermostat

Check the attic. Insulating your attic can be the most cost-effective way to cut heating costs. Look across your attic floor. If the insulation is even with or below the attic floor joists, it’s time to add more. (CUB has some great tips on picking the right insulation in our WatchBlog article: Do-it-Yourself Home Energy Audit.)

Switch the direction of your fan. In the winter, your fan should rotate clockwise (from your position looking up at it) at the slowest speed. Turning clockwise, the fan’s blades pull cold air up, which then pushes warm air down toward the room’s occupants. Used in combination with a wise temperature setting, this tip can save consumers up to 15 percent on their winter bills. If you’re not sure how to change the direction of your ceiling fan, watch CUB’s quick how-to video.

Clean or change your furnace filter monthly, or as recommended.  This is an important maintenance step to ensure your furnace is operating properly and efficiently. You should check your filter monthly.  (See heating tips from the Department of Energy. Also, before the winter, try to schedule an HVAC inspection with a reputable contractor. Most systems last 10 to 15 years but can last longer and run more efficiently with maintenance. An inspector can check your system to ensure everything is working properly.)

Prepare the fireplace. Make sure your fireplace is inspected and cleaned before you use it in the winter. When you’re not using your fireplace, make sure the damper is closed to prevent warm air from escaping, taking your money with it, too!

Set your water heater to 120 degrees (warm setting). Cover it with an insulated blanket you can purchase at a hardware store.

Cook smart. Try baking multiple dishes at once to save time on using the oven. As you cook, keep pots and pans covered with lids to reduce cooking time. The cold months are the perfect time to put your crock pot and microwaves to use, as both use less energy (but still can prepare tasty meals).

Be careful. Don’t use an oven or grill to heat your home. If you use a space heater, keep children and pets away from it. Place it on a hard, level surface; keep it away from flammable objects; and don’t leave it on overnight. Also, the Department of Energy recommends that such heaters should be plugged directly into the wall outlet. (If an extension cord is necessary, use the shortest possible heavy-duty cord of 14-gauge wire or larger. Check and follow any manufacturer’s instructions.) It also recommends buying a unit with a safety switch that automatically shuts off the heater if the unit is tipped over.

Check the detectors. Check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. We’re all blasting the furnace or building fires during the winter months, making us more susceptible to accidental house fires and carbon monoxide exposure. Ensure your detectors are working — replace the batteries if you’re unsure of the last time they were changed.

Look out for others. Lastly, don’t forget to check on your friends and loved ones to make sure they are doing well during the cold months. If you or someone you know doesn’t have access to heat, Keep Warm Illinois lists warming centers near you.

For more energy efficiency and money-saving tips, visit CUB’s Gas page

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