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Energy Smart Month Quiz winner excited to get LEDs

Answer one question and you could win a prize during Energy Smart Month.

Answer one question and you could win a prize during Energy Smart Month.

Tim Farmer, an IT consultant from Carol Stream, won the first week’s prize in CUB’s Energy Smart Month Giveaway—four LED light bulbs with a money-saving potential of up to $400.

His name was randomly chosen from more than 300 people who took a one-question quiz: “Appliances, electronics and lighting account for approximately how much of a typical Illinois consumer’s annual energy consumption?” The answer is 31 percent.

Tim, a supporter of CUB and a fan of our Facebook page, was happy to hear about winning the four LEDs. Although he likes the fact that the bulbs and other efficiency measures save money, he’s more concerned about what planet he’ll leave his future grandchildren.

“I actually love it,” Tim said of his light bulb win, “because in the last couple of years I have become very environmentally focused.”

Tim said he’s taken such footprint-reducing measures as installing insulation in the attic, throwing most of his garbage in the recycling bin, and using Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) bulbs. Now he’s looking forward to trying out the state-of-the-art LEDs, which are supposed to be even better than CFLs, guaranteed to last six years. “I don’t have any LEDs,” Tim said. “That is a new thing.”

Speaking of new things, CUB has a brand new “Energy Smart Month” weekly quiz question on its Facebook page. Answer it correctly and you’ll be entered in a drawing to win a Nest Thermostat. We’ll announce a winner Friday, Oct. 11.

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