Ameren customers received a $45 million electric rate cut, as they were hit with a $32 million natural gas rate hike. So how does that affect 2014 bills?
Both changes—ordered by the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) late last year—impact the delivery part of our bills. That’s what you pay Ameren to deliver the gas/electricity to your door. Delivery charges, which include the customer, distribution delivery, and standard metering charges, take up about a third to a half of our bills. The rest is what we pay for the actual power.
A rundown of your new electric delivery charges, reflecting the $45 million rate cut:
Zone 1 (formerly AmerenCIPS)
Monthly Customer Charge: $11.59/month
Distribution Delivery Charge Summer: 2.525 cents/kilowatt-hour (kWh)
Distribution Delivery Charge Non-summer: 1.34 cents/kWh, .513 cents/kWh over 800 kWh
Meter Charge: $4.19/mont
Zone 2 (formerly AmerenCILCO)
Monthly Customer Charge: $11.36/month
Distribution Delivery Charge Summer: 2.798 cents/kWh
Distribution Delivery Charge Non-summer: 1.766 cents/kWh, .77 cents/kWh over 800 kWh
Meter Charge: $4.19/month
Zone 1 (formerly AmerenCIPS)
Monthly Customer Charge: $22.58/month
Distribution Delivery Charge: 9.32 cents/therm
Zone 2 (formerly AmerenCILCO)
Monthly Customer Charge: $20.08/month
Distribution Delivery Charge: 7.692 cents/therm
Zone 3 (formerly AmerenIP)
Monthly Customer Charge: $22.52/month
Distribution Delivery Charge: 9.32 cents/therm
Note: These charges don’t include all the rates you pay on your bill. For example, you pay supply rates for the actual electricity or gas. For more information, see CUB’s Making Sense of Your Gas Bill and Making Sense of Your Electric Bill fact sheets.
Also, visit CUB Energy Saver, CUB’s free service that has been showing people how to cut their utility bills by about $100 a year.