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C’mon! ComEd asks for $275 million rate hike

ComEd has put in another request for a rate hike–this one for $275 million, to take effect in January. That’s the last news anybody wants to hear after our brutal winter. Here’s CUB’s statement:

“Today, Commonwealth Edison asked for a $275 million rate hike to pay for upgrades to its power grid. These improvements, if done right, should pay for themselves in the long run, but the key moving forward is to hold ComEd accountable. That’s why CUB will scrutinize ever penny of this rate-hike request, and do our best to reduce it as much as possible. A rate increase is never welcome news for CUB or Illinois consumers, and that’s why it’s so important that ComEd live up to its promises of building a more reliable power grid that helps consumers cut their costs. Illinois consumers deserve the benefits, not just the bill.”

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