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Congrats, Carole!

20140421_CongratsCarole_blogThe loyalty of CUB members is simply astounding.

Take for example Carole J. of Elgin, who has been a CUB supporter ever since the organization helped her dispute a hefty utility bill years ago.

“I wasn’t even a member back then,” she says, “but I have been a member ever since.”

We wanted to give back to the dedicated members who have stood by us through three decades of battles for consumers.  With this in mind, CUB hosted a special light bulb giveaway last week for our most active followers.  These are brave souls who have joined our Consumer Defense Team to help fight up to $1 billion in consumer battles this year and/or have sent a special message to the FCC asking the regulatory agency to reject the proposed Comcast/Time Warner merger if the companies don’t agree to specific consumer protections.

We are very happy to announce long-time member Carole as the winner of our CFL giveaway!  She will receive five high-efficiency, money-saving CFL bulbs for her support over the years.

“CUB serves as an important watchdog for the public,” she said. “I’m proud to support its efforts.”

We’re proud to have members like you, Carole!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the CFL giveaway.  If you didn’t get a chance to enter this drawing, don’t worry: we’ll be hosting many more in the upcoming year in honor of our 30th Anniversary. (In fact, if I were you, I’d keep a special eye on CUB’s e-newsletter tomorrow!)

Join the fight for lower utility bills in 2025!