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Today: Donations matched!

20160520_matchingchallenge_fbWe’ve just received some great news. CUB’s board of directors has stepped up and made an extremely generous offer:

If CUB members can raise $5,000 by Sunday, May 22, the board has agreed to chip in an extra $1,000!

This will be a HUGE boost to the CUB staff—because it’s crunch time for us:  

*Our outreach team is scrambling to hold 400+ events in 2016.

*Our consumer advocacy team will help up to 8,000 people who have complaints about their utility companies.

*Our legal and policy teams are battling up to $6 billion in higher rates.  

The board is asking for 200 people to give $25 or more by Sunday, May 22. But any contribution you can afford will make a big difference to CUB.

We’re a small consumer group that’s very busy protecting your bottom line. So please consider taking the board’s challenge, and help us fight for you!



Join the fight for lower utility bills in 2025!