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Fight rate hikes, get a special gift

This year alone CUB is fighting $8 billion in rate hikes and helped consumers save millions of dollars on their bills — but with your help, we can do even more.

Donate $10 or more this month and get a heavy-duty shopping tote with CUB’s new logo. This jumbo tote bag can stand on its own and hold up to 50 pounds. It’s a handy way to fight for lower utility bills and avoid the bother of plastic bags.

Here’s a sample of what we’ve done this year:

• CUB’s Outreach Department has staffed more than 300 events across Illinois so far this year and shown customers how to save more than $136,000 by signing them up for efficiency programs, handing out free money-saving light bulbs and spotting problems on their utility bills.

• In taking thousands of complaints from utility customers all over the state, CUB’s Consumer Advocacy Department has saved individual customers a total of $102,203.49 so far in 2017. That includes saving $6,000 for an AT&T customer, and $6,400 for a gas customer.

• CUB helped secure a $17.5 million rate cut for ComEd customers, after a portion of a rate case was reheard by the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC).

• After CUB and other consumer advocates filed testimony, Nicor reduced its rate hike by $17.5 million. (The fight’s not over and we hope to reduce the hike even more—the utility is still asking for $191 million. A final ruling is due in 2018.)

• CUB supported the Future Energy Jobs Act, which included changes to ComEd’s efficiency program that led to an $80 million ComEd refund. That’s expected to translate to a credit of about $14 on the average customer’s October bill.

Your support helps us win both big and little victories. Thanks for joining the fight!

Join the fight for lower utility bills in 2025!