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A chance to double your impact today

An Illinois family has just made an amazing offer to CUB in memory of a special young man.

Today, if you take a stand against rate hikes and fight for clean, low-cost energy, the family of Chris Conrad will match your generosity dollar for dollar. Today, you can be twice the hero!

Chris Conrad, who passed away last May, was passionate about caring for the planet and had a deep sensitivity for anyone who was suffering. And his family says that’s what spurred them to make their kind offer to us: “CUB’s mission of doing good in Illinois aligns with the kind of person Chris was.” (If you want to read more about Chris Conrad, please click here.)

Today, CUB invites you to give to the Chris Conrad Memorial Light-the-Way Fund to honor Chris and his dream of justice and to tackle these urgent battles:

  • Challenge dirty power plants and other big energy companies that want to raise our utility bills by billions.
  • Fight for the Clean Energy Jobs Act, a plan to move Illinois to clean, low-cost energy and keep a lid on our utility bills.
  • Support 500 CUB events to educate all Illinoisans about energy efficiency, expose rip-offs on their utility bills, and hand out money-saving light bulbs.

We have tough battles ahead. Let’s keep fighting for clean, affordable energy in Illinois—because that’s the right thing to do, and that’s what Chris would have wanted us to do. Today, your generosity will be doubled.


Join the fight for lower utility bills in 2025!