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donations matched

Last Chance: Double your impact

This is your final chance: Your donation will be doubled, thanks to a generous Illinois family—if you give before midnight. CUB has helped cut utility bills by $20 billion over the last 35 years, thanks to small donations from Illinois consumers like you. So a $5 or $10 donation is…...

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Net neutrality passes House…what’s next?

Roughly 83% of Americans across a broad political spectrum support net neutrality: the idea that Big Telecom/Cable shouldn’t have a say in how you use the Internet you pay for. Yet since the Federal Communications Commission repealed net neutrality in December 2017, independent research has shown that Internet service providers…...

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A chance to double your impact today

An Illinois family has just made an amazing offer to CUB in memory of a special young man. Today, if you take a stand against rate hikes and fight for clean, low-cost energy, the family of Chris Conrad will match your generosity dollar for dollar. Today, you can be twice the…...

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Today: He’s MATCHING Donations

Exciting news: A generous, longtime CUB member, who wishes to remain anonymous, has offered to donate $1,000 TODAY to match your contribution. So today your year-end, tax-deductible contribution can be twice as powerful! Why is he being so generous? He told us in an email: “With profit-mongering big energy companies threatening to cost consumers…...

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Generous CUB supporters are matching your donations

This week, some generous CUB supporters are matching your donations. So giving $10 is more like giving $20! Two major cases could raise our electric bills: The White House is considering an unprecedented 2-year bailout of failing coal plants—a drastic move that could cost consumers billions of dollars. Giant power…...

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“Because I love how CUB saves people money”

Occasionally this year, a generous CUB member has been nice enough to match your donations. Recently, we asked him why, and his answer was simple: “Because I love how CUB saves people money.” To spark our fall campaign, this anonymous contributor has again generously offered to match every donation this…...

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Join the fight for lower utility bills in 2025!