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CUB’s 2019 free consumer guide collection

As part of our 35th anniversary celebration, CUB’s communications team has produced a series of free, money-saving guides throughout 2019. If you haven’t already, please order these publications, and we will immediately email you a free, printer-friendly copy.

Saving on Cellphone Service – Annual spending for cellphone services increased by nearly 60 percent from 2017 to 2014, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and spending continues to rise. This guide offers money-saving tips and helps readers find the right phone and service plan for their lifestyle. We hope this guide gives all consumers more confidence when dealing with the complicated wireless market.

Fighting Robocalls – Americans received a record-breaking 5.7 billion robocalls in October 2019, according to YouMail. The U.S. has received roughly 54 billion robocalls already this year, equaling about 165 calls per person. This eight-page guide is filled with tips on what you can do to reduce these annoying calls.

10 Ways to Cut Smartphone Data Waste – Consumers in the U.S. pay some of the highest data prices in the world. CUB’s guide gives consumers “spring-cleaning tips” on how they can adjust their devices to settings that don’t waste as much data. We researched dozens of sources to identify the best general tips for iPhone and Android users.

Cutting Your TV CostsWhen we last asked CUB members to name their worst bill, more than half said it was their cable/internet bill! This year we revamped our popular TV guide, and it now has the most up-to-date information you need to reduce your bloated cable bill–or cut the cord entirely.


Join the fight for lower utility bills in 2025!