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Submit a pet photo for #WatchdogWednesday, and you could win $50!

February is Responsible Pet Owners’ Month—and to celebrate, we want to see your favorite pet photos.

So what do pets have to do with utilities? A lot! Keeping your home safe, warm and energy efficient is good for your pets as well as your energy bills. And, each week we like to raise awareness about utility issues by featuring a cute pet on our Instagram page. We call it #WatchdogWednesday.

CUB would love to feature YOUR pet next!

To enter our giveaway, please send an email to [email protected] with a picture of your pet and the following information by midnight, Feb. 28 (terms and conditions):

  • Your name
  • Your pet’s name
  • Why you support CUB
  • Phone number and/or preferred email address
Join the fight for lower utility bills in 2025!