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CUB’s Newest Consumer Guide Aims To Help Renters

The Citizens Utility Board (CUB) has released a free guide to help renters navigate the utility world. Consumers can order a free, printer-friendly copy of “A Renter’s Utility Guide: Go Green, Cut Costs and Learn Your Rights” by visiting www.CitizensUtilityBoard.org.

“It can be difficult for renters to find clear, comprehensive information on how to be a smart utility customer,” CUB Executive Director David Kolata said. “We hope this guide gives renters more confidence when searching for a new place or dealing with utility issues.”

The free guide contains tips to cut your energy costs, provides information about money-saving renter efficiency programs and explains how renters can take advantage of solar power. It also lays out a consumer’s rights as a renter and a utility customer. CUB details the important steps to end utility service in a former residence and establish service in a new one.

The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy reports that energy costs hit renters harder than people in single-family homes, and rented dwellings are often among the least efficient. In 2015 the Energy Information Administration reported that consumers living in rented apartments spent about 45 percent more for energy per square foot than residents of single-family owner-occupied homes.

CUB hopes this guide will help renters save money on their utility bills. Illinois consumers can get a free guide emailed to them at www.CitizensUtilityBoard.org.

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