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June gas prices are here, and we’re left scratching our heads

Illinois utilities have filed their June gas prices with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) and all look in line with May’s prices except for one whopping difference from Liberty Utilities. The price from that utility shot up from about 69 cents a therm to nearly 95 cents a therm. But that’s still about 23 percent lower than what the price was last June, while we suffered through an extended gas price spike. 

We’re scratching our heads as to why Liberty stood out–prices for most utilities are lower than they have been for a long time. But it’s a brutal reminder that the gas market is volatile. And it’s further proof that we need to plan for a future away from unreliable fossil fuels.

Gas utilities file supply prices–called the Purchased Gas Adjustment (PGA)–each month with the ICC. Below are the supply prices for June 2023 and how they compare with last June’s prices. 

June Gas Prices

Ameren Illinois–40.33 cents per therm (down about 48 percent from June 2022)

Consumers Gas–13.30 cents per therm (down about 85 percent from June 2022)

Illinois Gas–19.29 cents per therm (down about 79 percent from June 2022)

Liberty Utilities–94.82 cents per therm (down about 23 percent from June 2022)

MidAmerican Energy–45.74 cents per therm (down about 57 percent from June 2022)

Mt. Carmel–13.56 cents per therm (down about 78 percent from June 2022)

Nicor Gas–39 cents per therm (down about 69 percent from June 2022)

North Shore Gas–26.73 cents per therm (down about 76 percent from June 2022)

Peoples Gas–23.56 cents per therm (down about 80 percent from June 2022)  

Note: Your utility is determined by where you live, so you cannot switch from one utility to another. Under Illinois law, gas utilities are not allowed to profit off supply prices—they pass those costs from gas producers and marketers onto customers with no markup. State regulators annually review the utilities’ gas-management procedures to ensure the companies did a reasonable job with their gas purchases, given market conditions, to hold down costs for consumers as much as possible.

For more information, tips and advice, visit the CUB Help Center.

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