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“Now is the time for Time-of-Use pricing”

Today, CUB and the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) urged ComEd and Ameren to offer optional “Time-of-Use” pricing plans in Illinois.  Such plans would reward energy-efficient customers for shifting electricity use away from “peak” hours–when demand is high, prices skyrocket, and power plants produce the most pollution.  These plans would not only save individual…...

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Déjà vu: Rate-hike edition

Ameren’s had $90 million in rate hikes since 2008, and now it wants more. In late January, Ameren Illinois filed for a $53 million natural gas rate hike, including  a return on equity (profit rate for shareholders) of more than 10 percent.  This is the same Ameren whose parent company earned more…...

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Breaking: Peoples, North Shore Gas receive $78.5 million in rate hikes

The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) Wednesday granted Peoples Gas and North Shore Gas a $78.5 million increase in delivery rates ($74.8 million for Peoples Gas, $3.7 million for North Shore Gas, according to ICC figures). We’re glad the ICC slashed the companies’ initial rate requests by more than $50 million, but we still think the…...

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Tell the ICC: Protect the Ameren rate cut!

It’s not often you get good news about your electric bill, but Ameren customers were happy to hear that the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) ordered a $45 million electric rate cut, which went into effect on Jan. 1. Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for Ameren to file a “petition for…...

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