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CUB Smart Power Center

20140326_cubsmartpower_blogAmeren and ComEd are spending $3 billion to install new digital meters across Illinois over the next several years.  Folks have a lot of questions about these updates:

What is a smart meter?  Will my bill change?  How can I save money with the new meters?  Is dog spit really cleaner than human’s?  (okay, okay, we can’t answer that last one.)

CUB has designed the handy Smart Power Center to help answer questions about the upgrades and your new meter.  While you’re there, enter our survey to win an energy-saving light bulb with a $100 savings potential!

Still puzzled?  If you think there’s information missing or we haven’t answered your question, email us or call at 312-277-3224.

Join the fight for lower utility bills in 2025!