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An expensive court decision for ComEd customers

We told you last week about an Appellate Court decision that could increase future ComEd power prices by 20 percent!

It all revolves around energy efficiency programs known as “Demand Response”– aka”negawatts.” That’s when the manager of the power grid, an organization called PJM, pays huge industrial customers to shift electricity usage away from “peak” usage times.  That helps cut power prices, reduce demand on the grid, and prevent widespread power outages.  Talk about a win-win-win, right?

Unfortunately, a DC appellate court ruled that grid operators don’t have the legal authority to run such a program.  This decision could have serious implications for your pocketbook:  The former director of the Illinois Power Agency estimates that removing demand response could cause power prices to jump 20 percent.

We’re collecting your comments to determine what our next action will be.  Take our survey here and stay tuned for more updates from CUB. (Make sure to join CUB’s Action Network to get the latest breaking news and tips!)

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