Central and Southern Illinois residents witnessed a huge jump in electricity prices this summer following an electric auction that gave power generators like Dynegy a windfall.
We are calling on FERC to investigate the price spike to weed out any problems connected to how electricity prices are set in Illinois. The agency is taking public input on the case until July 2.
Help us turn up the pressure on FERC by calling Commission Chair Norman Bay on Wednesday, July 1 and urging him to protect Illinois residents from unjust and unreasonable electric increases!
Call the office of FERC Chairman Norman Bay at 1-202-502-8000 and deliver the following message:
I am a resident of Illinois and I’m calling to urge the commission to immediately investigate the April 2015 power auction in Illinois, which resulted in an 800 percent increase in wholesale electricity prices in the state. It is the mandate of this commission to protect customers from market manipulation and unjust electricity prices. Protect Illinoisans and investigate this auction. Thank you for your consideration.
Something is wrong with the way electricity prices are set across Illinois– and we need to get to the bottom of it. Together, we can fight this disastrous rate hike and make sure Illinoisans are no longer vulnerable to a volatile electric market.