Don’t just pay your bill online and log off: Take advantage of ComEd’s site, which has features to help you save on your electric bills and become more energy efficient.
- Energy Doctor. Energy efficiency is one of the best ways to reduce your electric bill. You can send a question to ComEd’s Energy Doctor to find out the best ways to reduce your energy usage, and see how your personal usage is affecting your electric bill. The Energy Doctor will respond to you within five business days.
- Marketplace. At ComEd’s Marketplace you can find rebates and discounts for buying energy-efficient products (a $100 rebate for purchasing a smart thermostat, 55 percent off a six-pack of LED light bulbs, for example). If you plan to buy energy-efficient products, you might want to start your shopping trip at the Marketplace. It could save you a trip in the car, and you get free shipping for orders over $49.
- Hourly Pricing Day-Ahead Chart. For Hourly Pricing customers, ComEd posts predicted prices along with the real-time price on its live prices chart. This helps you better plan your usage around your day’s activities.
- Programs to manage your energy. As a ComEd customer, you have several opportunities to save money and energy through various programs. Peak Time Savings and AC Cycling both allow you to earn credits on your bills by adjusting your energy usage. You can sign up for both directly on the site.
- Other ways to report an outage. You have multiple options to contact ComEd when there’s a power outage. You can report an outage online, or by text, ComEd’s mobile app, or via social media like Facebook and Twitter.
- Solar power calculator. If you’re thinking about investing in solar paneling for your home, a main concern is the financial requirements. With ComEd’s solar power calculator, you plug in your address to see your home’s sun exposure. The calculator will tell you your estimated costs upfront, estimated savings over time, and the amount of time it will take to see a return on your investment. You’ll also learn what solar options are available and how the installation would work for your home.
P.S. Before signing up for Hourly Pricing, you can check what your capacity charge will be. The capacity charge is a separate line item on your bill for Hourly Pricing customers (on standard bills it’s included in the electricity supply charge). Find out how to calculate the capacity charge here.
For other tips to save on your electric bills, visit CUB’s Electric page.