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URGENT: Help defeat a bad bill

Emergency action alert: We need your help TODAY to defeat a huge bailout for dirty power plants and other power generators. It’s bad legislation—and it could be on a fast track for passage in Springfield.

Amendment #4 to Senate Bill 2080 would:

  • Increase electric bills statewide by at least $1 billion and likely more by 2030 to funnel more money to dirty power plants and other generators.
  • Eliminate key consumer protections and increase ComEd and Ameren electric rates.

Also: This legislation does nothing to implement capacity market reform and stop out-of-state dirty power generators that want to alter market rules and raise our electric bills. (Capacity market reform is the one key change we absolutely need to pass in Illinois this legislative session—and Amendment #4 to SB 2080 turns a blind eye to it!)

This is urgent: Opponents of capacity market reform are working hard for this bill. Anybody who wants to work for energy that’s clean and affordable in Illinois should oppose Amendment #4 to SB 2080.

We appreciate your help!

Join the fight for lower utility bills in 2025!