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Brutal April: Ameren, ComEd ask for $481 M in electric rate hikes

We knew these rate-hike requests were coming, but they still hurt. In April, ComEd 20140425_RateHikes_fband Ameren have asked for a total of $481 million in rate hikes, which would take effect in January 2015. Here’s CUB’s statement:

“This month, Ameren and ComEd have filed for $481 million in electric rate hikes—about $206.4 million for Ameren and $275 million for ComEd—to pay for upgrades to their power grid. After a painfully expensive winter, this is the last news Illinois electric customers want to hear. That’s why CUB will analyze every penny of the companies’ rate-hike requests and do our best to eliminate unjustified spending and reduce the proposed increases as much as possible. These power grid improvements, if done right, should pay for themselves in the long run, but the key moving forward is to hold ComEd and Ameren accountable. The companies must live up to their promises of building a more reliable and more affordable power grid for Illinois consumers. We’re getting the bill for these improvements, so we deserve the benefits.”

The ComEd increase would hit bills by about $3 per month. Take a look at what Ameren’s increase would do to bills:

Zone 1 (formerly AmerenCIPS): $9.55/month (13%) for general use; $11.85/month (10%) for space heat.
Zone 2 (formerly AmerenCILCO): $6.37/month (8%) for general use; $6.68/month (6%) for space heat.
Zone 3 (formerly AmerenIP): $8.45/month (11%) for general use; $10.86/month ($9%) for space heat.

On our Facebook page this morning, we announced that our rate-hike battles now total more than $1 billion.

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