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The most important vote ever for net neutrality

20150203_netneutralityIn 2014, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) received more than 4 million comments on net neutrality from concerned consumers like you. You made your voice loud and clear: Don’t slow down my Internet.

Now we’ve got proof that the pressure’s working. The FCC is considering reclassifying Internet Service Providers (ISPs) as “common carriers” under Title II of the Telecommunications Act. That would give the FCC power to enforce consumer protections, preserve competition in the market, and ensure universal access to a free and open Internet.  The final vote is set for Feb. 24th, so send the FCC a message now to save  net neutrality.

Net neutrality is the concept that ISPs cannot discriminate against certain Internet traffic.  All content–from the smallest blogger to CNN– is created equal, and consumers have the right to access all information freely.

On January 14, 2014, a federal appeals court struct down the “Open Internet Order,” which allowed the FCC to regulate ISPs.  This move opened the door for ISPs to potentially charge website content providers for reliable and fast web access.  In other words, website operators could be forced to fork over big bucks to avoid ISPs blocking their content or slowing down service.

The consequences of this move are dire.  The Internet would be effectively censored.  Competition would be destroyed as small businesses that can’t afford faster traffic are forced out of the market.   And consumers would eventually face higher prices as big companies pass down the costs of faster Internet speeds.  And if this all sounds like some parade-of-horrors-dystopian-nightmare, think again: It’s already happening.

Fortunately, the FCC can still act by reclassifying the Internet as a common carrier.  Of course, big ISPs like Comcast and AT&T hate the idea. These companies want to squash competition, water down consumer protections, discriminate against certain web traffic, and spark higher rates and slower speeds for their customers.

We can’t let that happen.  The FCC’s February 26th vote is the most important ever for your Internet.  Send a message now:  Save the Internet!

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