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A net neutral future awaits Senate confirmation hearings

Update as of 12/20/2021: The Senate voted 68 to 31 to confirm Jessica Rosenworcel’s re-appointment to the Federal Communications Commission on Dec. 7, making her the first female chair in the FCC history. Longtime net neutrality advocate Gigi Sohn, nominated for the fifth seat at the commission, has generated opposition…...

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Update: What’s going on with net neutrality?

President Joe Biden this summer signed an executive order restoring several internet consumer protections (a.k.a. “net neutrality” provisions) that were overturned by the Trump administration. But the order awaits a vote by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which is still missing a fifth commissioner after Ajit Pai stepped down in…...

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A year after net neutrality: Death by a thousand cuts

Net neutrality has been dead for a little more than a year, and the internet hasn’t collapsed. Does that mean net neutrality wasn’t that important after all? Far from it. For one, states are making their own laws, there are lawsuits, and ISPs are holding back from any drastic changes…...

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Tell your rep: Hang up on robocallers

Good news! A bill to fight robocalls has just passed the U.S. Senate 97-1. The TRACED Act would require phone companies to adopt technology to stop “spoofed” robocalls (when scammers use your area code or prefix to try to trick you into thinking somebody local is calling). It also would…...

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Update: Defend net neutrality

Net Neutrality Update: Take action to fight a White House attack on the nation’s strongest internet consumer protections. Background: Things looked pretty bleak last year after the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), under new Chairman Ajit Pai, killed the internet consumer protections called “net neutrality.” But enough people care about this issue—polls show an…...

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Take robocall fight to congress

A thousand Illinoisans signed last week’s petition urging the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to fight robocall scams. Thank you! While we have momentum, we need to hit this issue on multiple fronts. Let’s remind Congress that we’re tired of being bombarded with billions of robocalls, including scams that rob us…...

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Update: Fight robocall scams

We’ve got bad news about the ongoing battle against annoying telemarketing calls: Just last month U.S. homes were hit with a record number of robocalls: 4.1 billion, according to the call-blocking software firm YouMail. Many are scams: Consumer Reports says robo-fraudsters cost people an estimated $350 million in 2011 alone. In…...

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The latest weapon in the fight to save net neutrality…..the Whopper?

Burger King, of all businesses, has come out with a brilliant video in support of net neutrality. Using its celebrated Whopper, the fast food giant memorably shows what life might be like without the internet consumer protections the Federal Communications Commission axed in December. It’s a great bit of storytelling…...

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Tell Congress: Protect my Privacy!

Almost 143 million U.S. consumers — nearly half the country — may have had their personal data stolen when hackers targeted credit rating agency Equifax in “the most brazen failure to protect consumer data we have ever seen,” according to Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey. Members of Congress have demanded…...

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Urge Congress: Don’t kill net neutrality!

As the fight to protect your Internet rights rages before the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the House of Representatives’ Energy and Commerce Committee is preparing to hold a hearing on “ground rules for the Internet,” which could  lead to anti-net neutrality laws backed by big Internet Service Providers (ISPs) like…...

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