The Affordable Connectivity Program is a new benefit program through the Federal Communications Commission that helps ensure households can afford the broadband they need for work, school, healthcare and more. The benefit provides a discount of up to $30 per month toward internet service for eligible households and up to…...
AT&T raises prices for Consumer’s Choice landline plans
AT&T has once again raised prices for its Consumer’s Choice landline calling plans. See the new prices below: Plan Monthly Fee Plan Details Call Plan 30 Downtown Chicago: $16.25 Rest of Chicago and adjacent suburbs: $19.25 Rest of Illinois: $20.75 30 local (bands A and B) calls (to places within…...
Update: What’s going on with net neutrality?
President Joe Biden this summer signed an executive order restoring several internet consumer protections (a.k.a. “net neutrality” provisions) that were overturned by the Trump administration. But the order awaits a vote by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which is still missing a fifth commissioner after Ajit Pai stepped down in…...
Bipartisan infrastructure bill would see funds for electric grid, internet, EVs
On Tuesday this week, the Senate passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, a $1.2 trillion bipartisan bill that takes aim at the nation’s failing infrastructure. The plan includes funding for roads and bridges, broadband infrastructure and access, electric vehicle charging stations and research, and aged water systems. “Today the…...
New internet assistance program to discount service by $50 a month
The Federal Communications Commission is launching a new program to expand access to affordable internet service. The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program aims to connect eligible households to healthcare, school and job opportunities otherwise unavailable without internet access. (Read CUB’s fact sheet here.) Up to 42 million people in the United…...
Act now for affordable energy, broadband, water
As we fight to pass the Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA) in Illinois, we’re also monitoring action in Washington. There’s a federal infrastructure plan that would secure clean, affordable energy and water, as well as reliable broadband service for all. The American Jobs Plan calls for $621 billion in road,…...
What are we paying for?
We already pay a bundle for Internet service, and now a big Internet Service Provider (ISPs) wants to slap you with yet another fee for exceeding so-called “data caps.” Comcast recently enacted a policy in certain test markets that charges fees for customers who use more than 300 GB per month ($10 per…...
AT&T Mobility faces $100M fine for misleading consumers
Feel like your mobile Internet connection has been slower than usual? Well, if you’re an AT&T Mobility customer, that may be the case. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) plans to slap AT&T Mobility with a $100 million fine for allegedly “throttling” speeds for unlimited data customers— the largest fine ever of its…...
The vote that could save the Internet
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is set to vote tomorrow on whether or not to re-classify the Internet as a public utility, which can be protected and regulated through federal authority. Why does this matter to you, oh-average-unassuming-consumer? Because this decision is a game changer for net neutrality. Net neutrality…...
Our Valentine to AT&T: Have a heart, don’t kill our landlines
Thank you to the 1,600+ people who signed CUB’s Valentine to AT&T. Our hearts ache alright–not for AT&T, but for the millions of Illinoisans who depend on traditional home phone service as their most reliable and affordable telecom option. AT&T has stated clearly that it wants to end their phone…...
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