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Fight for your Internet!

We’ve talked a lot about AT&T’s push in Springfield to end traditional home phone service—but it and other Internet providers like Comcast have been busy in Washington too. They’re trying to dismantle historic consumer protections called “net neutrality.” And that’s could mean bad news for our pocketbooks. Get the facts, and…...

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Tell legislators: Vote YES on HB 3503

Big Internet providers like AT&T and Comcast are allowed to charge you up to $10 a month to rent equipment like modems and routers, even after you’ve paid enough for the retail price of the equipment. Telecom companies provide no good reason for asking for the monthly fee indefinitely, other…...

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Check your Comcast bill: Are you paying a “digital adapter” fee?

Every cable bill these days has add-on fees that allow companies to raise your bills without increasing the advertised rate of your TV package. For Comcast customers, one of those charges, called the “digital adapter” fee, has increased in 2017—from $3.99/month to $5.99/month. So, what is the fee supposed to…...

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Comcast: Data caps are coming to Chicago

By Sagar Dommaraju Chicago-area Comcast customers will soon face limits to their data usage, as the company expands its nationwide data cap trials. CUB warned the caps might come to Illinois way back in December,  when the consumer group asked CUB Action Network members to sign a petition against such restrictions to…...

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What are we paying for?

We already pay a bundle for Internet service, and now a big Internet Service Provider (ISPs) wants to slap you with yet another fee for exceeding so-called “data caps.” Comcast recently enacted a policy in certain test markets that charges fees for customers who use more than 300 GB per month ($10 per…...

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An electric deal from…..Comcast?

By Samantha Vercellino Everybody knows that Comcast bundles cable, Internet and phone services, but did you know the company now sells electricity, too? Recently, a CUB staffer found a pitch for Comcast’s Energy Rewards plan in his email inbox. We decided to take a closer look at the deal. These…...

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Ding dong the Comcast/Time Warner merger is dead…

Good news for consumers!  Comcast announced last week that it will drop its bid for a $45.2 billion merger with Time Warner Cable. The merger between the country’s No. 1 and No. 2 cable companies would have put nearly 30 percent of TV and 55 percent of broadband subscribers under the…...

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Comcast at it again?

Just when you think it can’t get any worse, news emerged this week of yet another Comcast customer service fiasco. Mary Bauer opened her bill last month to discover her bill had been addressed to “Super B***h Bauer.”   The Addison resident had previously spent nearly a year going back and forth with…...

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New year, new hope for the Internet?

Recently at the world’s largest consumer electronics show, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler appeared to defend the reclassification of broadband Internet under Title II of the Telecommunications Act. That bombshell appears to be a big win for net neutrality, the idea that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) must treat all Internet content…...

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CUB consumer advocates 2, big cable 0

Comcast has been receiving a lot of flack for its less-than-stellar customer service calls.  It’s unfortunately no surprise to the members of CUB’s consumer advocacy team, who know a thing or two  about dealing with unruly cable/Internet customer service. Take the case of Tony R.: Tony’s father, Robert, had switched…...

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