We need you.
AT&T wants the governor to sign Senate Bill 1839 so the phone giant can eventually end landline phone service in Illinois. Any day now Gov. Bruce Rauner could act on the legislation–so this is your last chance to ask the governor to veto SB 1839.
Here’s what you can do:
CALL Gov. Bruce Rauner’s office in Springfield: 217-782-0244.
Tell the governor’s office:
Hello, my name is ADD NAME. I’m asking the governor to please veto Senate Bill 1839. That’s AT&T’s legislation to end landline service in its Illinois territory.
A significant number of people, including seniors, count on traditional landlines as their most reliable connection to vital services. AT&T is a profitable company and should not be turning its back on its most vulnerable customers.
Please veto SB 1839 and sign new legislation that will protect traditional landline phone service.
If you can’t call Gov. Rauner’s office or the call won’t go through, please email the governor:
There’s no more time to wait. We need 100 percent action right now.