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CUB to utility exec: Stop downplaying rate hike!

A consumer protests Illinois American Water’s rate-hike request at a public forum this summer.

Addressing a packed public forum about a proposed rate hike that could average up to $27-$29 per month, a utility executive downplayed the increase by saying it “will be less than a dollar-a-day….”

CUB Executive Director Sarah Moskowitz sparked applause at the forum when she said: “A ‘dollar a day’ doesn’t make it sound any better. You should stop using that talking point. I’ve worked as a consumer advocate for over 24 years, and that level of increase is unprecedented.”

CUB’s comments at the public forum on Illinois American Water’s proposed rate hike–and three other forums on water rate hikes–was part of CUB’s work challenging utility increases in 2024. Summaries of cases CUB is working on before the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC).

Illinois American Rate Hike (ICC Docket # 24-0097)

Illinois American Water announced on Jan. 25 that it was pushing for a $152 million rate hike. Illinois American said the hike would increase water service bills by an average of about $24 per month, while the average residential wastewater bill would increase by about $5 per month, depending on the customer’s service area.

CUB has challenged the rate hike, and its testimony has uncovered nearly $50 million in overcharges in the company’s request. The ICC will rule on the case in December.

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Aqua Illinois Rate Hike (ICC Docket # 24-0044)

Aqua Illinois on Jan. 17 filed for a $19.2 million rate hike before the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC). For the average residential wastewater and water bill (4,000 gallons), Aqua said this would increase rates by $29.91 per month, or about $1 a day.

CUB is challenging the rate hike, and in its testimony it has uncovered about $8 million in overcharges in the company’s request. The ICC will rule on the case in November/December.

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ComEd Rate Hike/Grid Plan (ICC Docket # 23-0055, ICC Docket # 24-0181)

  • Last December the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) rejected the utility’s grid plan and slashed its $1.47 billion rate-hike request by about 65 percent (ICC Docket # 23-0055). However, the company filed a petition for rehearing challenging some issues in that December ruling that were separate from the grid plan. This spring the utility settled with the staff of the ICC and state regulators unfortunately approved an additional $186.4 million in higher rates.
  • ComEd has refiled its multi-year grid and rate plans and is asking for an increase of about $1.1 billion (ICC Docket No. 24-0181) in future rates. So far, CUB has found nearly $90 million in overcharges in that proposal. The ICC is set to rule on the case Dec. 5, with the new rates taking effect around January 2025.

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Ameren Illinois Hike/Grid Plan (ICC Docket No. 23-0082, ICC Docket No. 24-0238)

  • The ICC last December rejected Ameren’s grid plan, and slashed its $448 million rate-hike request by about 87 percent (ICC Docket No. 23-0082). The company challenged that ruling on rehearing, and while consumer advocates helped turn back about $16.5 million in overcharges, the company was awarded about $93 million in higher rates in June.
  • Ameren has refiled its grid plan and is asking for about $334 million in higher rates (ICC Docket No. 24-0238). CUB has uncovered about $101 million in overcharges in that request. The ICC is set to rule on the case Dec. 5, with the new rates taking effect around January 2025.

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