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New year, new electric rates

ComEd introduced a $340 million rate hike starting in 2014. With your help, we are challenging the increase with a “petition for rehearing.” But in the meantime, we want you to know about the new rates you’ll be seeing on your bill. The increase is part of a state law to…...

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Raking in profits, gunning for higher rates

Ameren and ComEd both turned in strong third quarter profits, which begs the question: Why do these companies need bloated rate hikes?  CUB today launched an email campaign to  oppose increases pushed by Ameren and ComEd. Ameren is proposing a natural gas rate hike of about $50 million, which the…...

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It’s a new electricity market in Illinois

Even as consumers flocked to alternative electricity suppliers to take advantage of prices that were sometimes 50 percent lower than the traditional utilities, CUB warned that this was just the honeymoon phase for the state’s power market. Now it appears that the honeymoon is over. Crain’s Chicago Business reports that…...

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The quest for a smarter power grid begins today

Today, Illinois’ biggest electric utility will begin installing digital “smart meters” in Chicago’s western suburbs, launching an ambitious plan to give 4 million customers new meters by 2021. These new meters, built in a plant on the city’s South side, are a symbol of high-tech upgrades, collectively called the “smart grid,”…...

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Where does your electricity come from?

When you flip on a ceiling fan or hit the power button on your TV remote, do you have ANY idea where that energy comes from? On any given day, it’s impossible to know exactly what power source—coal, nuclear, wind, etc.—is generating the electrons flowing into your home. But you…...

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Win up to $900 of free electricity!

Presence Health is partnering with CUB in a contest encouraging Illinois consumers to go green and lower their utility bills. Here’s how it works: Community members and Presence Health employees can sign up for CUB Energy Saver—that’s CUB’s free bill-cutting service—as a member of any hospital’s energy-saving team. At the end of summer,…...

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What’s happening to your electric bill June 1?

[youtube=https://youtu.be/t6uNiKAy7cs]If you pay ComEd or Ameren for electricity supply, there’s good news: The price you pay for power will drop on June 1! ComEd’s electricity price will fall from approximately 8.3 cents per kWh to about 5.5 cents per kWh this June through September. Ameren customers will see their price dip…...

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Join the fight for lower utility bills in 2025!