Well that didn’t take long. The fight may have been won, but the battle for net neutrality is far from over. The historic net neutrality standards set by Federal Communications Commission (FCC) aren’t even a month old and one big company (Time Warner) has already been accused of violating them. It’s clear we…...
Still fighting the battle for net neutrality
The ink is barely dry on the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) net neutrality rules, and already we could have our first violator. Commercial Network Services (CNS) has filed a formal complaint to the FCC that Time Warner Cable (TWC) is violating the “no paid prioritization” and “no throttling” aspects of the net…...
Deceptive Billing: 3 Tips to Protect Yourself
Imagine you’ve just signed up for Broadband Internet Service for $34.99 per month. You’re pretty content with the deal, and soon spend your days in a quiet reverie of Pinterest, Netflix documentaries, and cat videos… …until you get your first month’s bill: $94.95! That’s what happened to Jeremy Zielinski of New York…...