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Uh oh! 4 red flags in the electric market

20140829_redflags_fbBallooning rates.  Misleading marketing.  Changing rates.  Aggregation deals gone awry.  Some pretty crazy stories have emerged in the Illinois electric market this year.

CUB has been keeping an eye on developments to help consumers protect themselves in these treacherous times.  While many alternative electric suppliers are acting appropriately in the market, there are enough bad eggs out there to be seriously concerned.

We’ve compiled a list of our 4 biggest red flags in the electric market (questionable marketing, hidden charges, high pressure sales tactics and changing deals).  Read these cautionary tales and CUB’s tips to protect yourself now, and then take our quick survey to tell us what you think of the electric market.

Be sure to share the tips with your family and friends!  And join CUB’s Action Network for the latest updates on the Illinois electric market.

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