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News release: CUB, Chicagoland counties partner to offer “Solar Switch” program to secure rooftop solar discounts, lower power bills for participants

The consumer watchdog Citizens Utility Board (CUB) is working with five Chicagoland counties, renewable energy advocates and solar professionals to offer a program that can help homeowners install solar panels at a significant discount and reduce their electric bills by hundreds of dollars, CUB announced Thursday. The Solar Switch program…...

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How to: Determine the right size of your room air conditioner

Choosing the right size room air conditioner can significantly impact its performance and efficiency. Contrary to popular belief, a larger unit doesn’t always mean better cooling. It’s crucial to ensure that the air conditioner size matches the room’s dimensions and uses. Here’s how to determine the optimal size for your…...

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BREAKING: ComEd makes 4-year, $1.5 billion rate-hike request

ComEd will file with state regulators to hike its delivery rates by about $1.5 billion over four years beginning in 2024, Crain’s Chicago Business reported. In a statement, CUB promised to challenge the increase:  “ComEd’s four-year, $1.5 billion request is terrible news on top of the record rate-hike requests that…...

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Goodbye formula rates: CUB helps cut Ameren’s final “formula” hike by millions

In the final ruling under an anti-consumer “formula” rate-setting system, the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) granted Ameren Illinois a $61 million electric delivery rate hike, after CUB and other consumer advocates helped knock about $22 million off the proposed increase. “While we’re glad Ameren didn’t get the $83 million rate…...

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Ameren offers $500,000 in assistance, and special payment plans have July 31 deadline

In a summer of skyrocketing power prices, Ameren Illinois announced it is using $500,000 in shareholder funds to give relief to electric customers–and until July 31 it is offering certain customers friendlier plans to pay off debt.   The Residential Assistance Credit is in response to the highest electricity prices CUB…...

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CUB explainer: What are Capacity Markets?

As we hold community events across the state of Illinois, people are often surprised to hear that our electric bills cover not only the power we use but the power we could use. That’s capacity.  And the cost of capacity–for most customers it’s hidden in the supply charge we pay–has…...

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With energy prices skyrocketing, advocates urge power grid operator to stop delays on new generation

Illinois legislative leaders and CUB are urging the power grid operator in Central and Southern Illinois to fast track renewable energy projects that could reliably power 4.5 million homes and help relieve energy problems in the region. At a news conference July 21, legislative leaders criticized the Midcontinent Independent System…...

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News you can use: Power Outage Tips

Be prepared in case of power outages. CUB compiled these tips from a number of sources, including the Red Cross and Ready.gov. What can I do to prepare for a power outage?  Line up a support network. Keep a paper copy of a list of people (and their numbers) who…...

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Crain’s Chicago Business: City of Chicago, Illinois AG call for far higher ComEd bribery rebate

The Illinois attorney general’s office and the city of Chicago yesterday urged the Illinois Commerce Commission to more than double the refund Commonwealth Edison should make to ratepayers over its admitted bribery scheme. In testimony filed with the ICC, the state’s chief consumer advocate, the city and the Citizens Utility…...

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New electric rates for ComEd and Ameren customers in 2022

As of Jan. 1, ComEd and Ameren are charging new electricity rates. CUB breaks it all down.   DELIVERY RATES What are delivery rates?  Electric bills have two parts: delivery and supply. All of us pay delivery rates to cover the utilities’ costs of sending electricity over their wires to our…...

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