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Speak up: Fight Ameren’s attack on energy efficiency

This week, CUB sent out a special e-newsletter to alert you to a new threat to energy efficiency that has the potential to raise Illinois power bills.

What happened?

Just months ago Illinois passed the Future Energy Jobs Act that requires the state’s biggest utilities to reduce electricity waste more than ever before. That will lower power bills by billions of dollars through 2030.

But Ameren—the power company for most of Central and Southern Illinois—is trying to duck those pro-consumer requirements.

What is Ameren trying to do?

Ameren has asked the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) for permission to fall short of the efficiency savings goals—by 27 percent. (In contrast, ComEd is expected to meet and possibly beat its efficiency targets to benefit Northern Illinois consumers.)

And get this: Ameren also is asking to get a $36 million bonus for exceeding those lowered targets.

Why should I care?

Even if you’re not an Ameren customer, you should still file a comment. Energy efficiency helps lower power prices for everyone—it’s good for the entire state. A threat to efficiency in one part of Illinois threatens all parts of the state. Also, we need to stand together to give the electric utilities a strong, clear message: Live up to your promises!

What can I do?

You can make the biggest impact by sharing your thoughts at the ICC’s webpage on the Ameren case (Docket 17-0311). On that page, just click “File a Comment.”



Don’t know what to write? Here’s a sample message:

Dear ICC Chairman and Commissioners:

I want to thank you for the opportunity to comment on Docket No. 17-0311.

I am concerned and disappointed that Ameren Illinois’ proposed energy efficiency plan falls short of delivering the benefits the company promised in the Future Energy Jobs Act.

Ameren Illinois should live up to its promise. Please do not accept Ameren’s request to lower its “cumulative persisting annual savings goals.”

The Future Energy Jobs Act promised Ameren Illinois customers lower energy bills. The plan that Ameren Illinois filed compromises these benefits, and that will hurt its own customers.

Thank you for your consideration of these comments!

Join the fight for lower utility bills in 2025!