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Breaking: City Council hearing on Peoples Gas

CUB wants to alert you to an important event for Peoples Gas customers on Wednesday. We hope you can be there!

Ald. George Cardenas’ Health & Environmental Protection Committee is holding a hearing on a growing problem in Chicago: soaring Peoples Gas bills due to the utility’s mismanaged pipeline replacement program. The hearing is:

10 a.m. Wednesday, April 24
City Council Chambers
City Hall, Second Floor
121 North LaSalle Street
Chicago, IL 60602

Tip: CUB will join other consumer advocates to speak about this issue outside City Council chambers at 9:30 a.m., and Bryan McDaniel, CUB director of governmental affairs, also plans to testify at the hearing.

Ald. Cardenas has pushed for hearings on this issue ever since published reports showed that Chicago gas customers paid an average of 80 percent MORE to heat their homes than suburban Nicor Gas customers. And it’s likely to get worse unless the Illinois General Assembly reins in the reckless spending of Peoples Gas.

The program’s projected costs have skyrocketed to nearly $11 billion, and an analysis found that the program could help double gas bills in years to come.

Please attend Wednesday’s hearing, and, if you haven’t already, send a message urging the General Assembly to pass House Bill 3044 and rein in the utility’s reckless spending in its pipeline-replacement program.

CUB appreciates your help!

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