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Nexamp: CUB’s evaluation of a new community solar offer

This is an evaluation of Nexamp’s community solar offering. (If you are not already familiar with community solar, we recommend reading our Introduction to Community Solar first.) How will signing up for the Nexamp community solar offer affect my electric bill? When you sign up for community solar, you are subscribing…...

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Sunscription (US Solar): CUB’s evaluation of a new community solar offer

This is an evaluation of Sunscription’s (US Solar) community solar offering. (If you are not already familiar with community solar, we recommend reading our Introduction to Community Solar first.) How will signing up for this community solar offer affect my electric bill? Sunscription will look at your energy usage history to determine…...

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11 questions I asked when signing up for community solar

By Cate York CUB Sustainable Communities Liaison Hello! My name is Cate, and I’m part of CUB’s outreach team. I spend a lot of my time talking with people about how to save money on their bills. That and googling Instant Pot recipes while binging murder podcasts. A few months…...

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As solar funding dries up, Illinois renewables need CEJA

Despite rapid solar adoption after Illinois passed strong energy legislation in 2016, the state is fast-approaching a solar cliff–the funding that helps propel the state’s solar industry is running out. But the Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA) could prevent the state’s clean energy progress from toppling over the edge. Specifically,…...

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Nexamp and Clearway: Two new community solar offers available to Illinois consumers

In this article, we’ll break down the terms and conditions of two community solar offers advertised by Nexamp and Clearway. Let’s start with the basics  What is “community solar”? Community solar is an exciting new program in Illinois that can help reduce your electric bill while supporting the development of new solar…...

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The facts on Arcadia Power’s community solar offer

Did you receive a mailing from Arcadia Power, touting community solar?  Have you seen Arcadia’s advertisements online? Consumers from across Illinois are asking CUB lots of questions about Arcadia’s offer.  We’ll try to break it down below. What is “community solar”? Community solar is an exciting new program in Illinois that can help…...

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The power of solar! CUB alerts consumers to affordable solar program, as Sept. 30 deadline nears

The sun may have been setting over Evanston one recent evening, but the crowd gathered at the local civic center wanted to learn all about how solar power could reduce their electric bills and their carbon footprint with the help of a program called Solarize Chicagoland. “There’s a lot of…...

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What’s going with clean jobs training in Illinois?

by Cate York, CUB sustainable communities liaison The Future Energy Jobs Act (FEJA) of 2016 was huge. It ramped up energy efficiency programs for ComEd and Ameren customers, exploded the solar economy, and created low-income programs to extend the benefits of clean energy to all Illinoisans. But what about the…...

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