Click on the image to get more information about the price-to-compare, and to sign CUB’s petition.
You may not know it, but the latest battle against bad deals is happening right on your electric bill.
You’ve heard us tell all the horror stories of people paying skyrocketing bills at the hands of an alternative electric supplier. And you’ve heard us emphasize that one of the best ways to avoid rip-offs is to know the “price to compare.” (That’s the ComEd or Ameren rate that allows you to make an apples-to-apples comparison to any “deal” peddled by a supplier.)
Yet, amazingly, for years that key info has been missing from power bills.
But now there’s hope. Learn about the good work CUB’s lawyers, Julie and Kelly, are doing at the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC)—and help them by signing our ICC petiton!