(800) 669-5556

Price to Compare

ComEd and Ameren electricity prices up in October

Electricity supply prices charged by Commonwealth Edison and Ameren Illinois have increased by 10 percent and 19 percent, respectively, as of October 1. Now that a pandemic-related ban on door-to-door marketing has been lifted, CUB warned Illinois consumers to beware of unscrupulous alternative supplier sales representatives that may try to…...

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New power prices for Oct. 1, 2019 to May 31, 2020

Did you know that ComEd and Ameren are charging new prices for electricity? It’s important to know what these prices are in order to make an apples-to-apples comparison with alternative electric supplier offers (called the “price to compare”). WARNING: These prices are likely your best bet—since 2015, Illinois consumers with…...

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Act Now: The battle for a better electric bill

You may not know it, but the latest battle against bad deals is happening right on your electric bill. You’ve heard us tell all the horror stories of people paying skyrocketing bills at the hands of an alternative electric supplier. And you’ve heard us emphasize that one of the best…...

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