Did you know that under Illinois law your hard-earned money helps to cover utility company legal fees? According to a review by CUB’s legal department, ComEd, Ameren and the other big utilities have charged their Illinois customers about $60 million on legal fees and other expenses trying to…...
Utility spending on rate-hike cases shows what CUB is up against
Since 2010, Illinois’ biggest utilities have spent $40 million trying to raise consumer rates before the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC)—an amount that could fund CUB’s entire outreach, legal and consumer advocacy operations for at least 15 years. The lofty figure illustrates what CUB’s legal and policy teams are up against…...
Fight unfair utility legal fees
A CUB review of recent rate-hike cases found that Illinois utilities have slapped their customers with more than $40 million in legal fees, meaning the hard-earned cash consumers burn on their utility bills actually bankrolls corporate legal teams battling to increase those same bills. But CUB is pushing new legislation…...