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CUB releases new guide to help Illinois consumers shop phone market

The Citizens Utility Board announced that it has released a new “Guide to Phone Choices” to help Illinois consumers navigate their options in the telecom market.

Visit CitizensUtilityBoard.org to order a free copy of the 16-page publication, which includes information about selecting cellphone, landline and VoIP service.

The phone landscape has shifted dramatically over the last decade. Traditional landlines have largely been replaced by VoIP, smartphones, bundled offers and Zoom. Tech giants seem as powerful as ever, and as a result, consumers face tough choices and high price tags. A family of four can easily spend more than $200 a month on phone service.

When shopping for phone options, consumers need good information. That’s where CUB’s Guide to Phone Choices comes in. The booklet also includes helpful sections on whether or not bundling is a good deal, dialing 911, calling internationally and videoconferencing.

“We know that Illinois consumers—and even CUB staffers—can get overwhelmed by all the factors to consider when selecting phone service,” CUB Executive Director David Kolata said. “This guide gives consumers the tools they need to make the right decisions for their lifestyle and wallet.”

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