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The most important vote ever for net neutrality

In 2014, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) received more than 4 million comments on net neutrality from concerned consumers like you. You made your voice loud and clear: Don’t slow down my Internet. Now we’ve got proof that the pressure’s working. The FCC is considering reclassifying Internet Service Providers (ISPs)…...

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Deceptive Billing: 3 Tips to Protect Yourself

Imagine you’ve just signed up for Broadband Internet Service for $34.99 per month.  You’re pretty content with the deal, and soon spend your days in a quiet reverie of Pinterest, Netflix documentaries, and cat videos… …until you get your first month’s bill: $94.95! That’s what happened to Jeremy Zielinski of New York…...

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A new utility for CUB?

The White House has come out in support of reclassifying broadband Internet as a utility. That would be a win for “net neutrality,” enabling the Federal Communications Commission to prohibit Internet Service Providers from blocking, throttling or prioritizing Web services in exchange for payment. Net neutrality is the idea that…...

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Proof: Internet access providers slowing speeds

Net neutrality is the idea that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) like Verizon and Comcast cannot discriminate against certain web traffic.  In other words, ISPs can’t slow down traffic for companies that refuse to pay up. Finally, proof has emerged that not only is such “Pay-to-Play Internet” a possibility, it’s already happening. A recent…...

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Feds sue AT&T for slowing down “unlimited” data plans

Unlimited data?  Not so fast! You may pay to cruise along on your data package–watching Netflix, checking email, streaming YouTube videos, listening to Spotify– but those speeds may not be what you think. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced Tuesday that it is suing AT&T for slowing down speeds for customers who…...

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5 tips for staying safe on public WiFi

Using public WiFi for your laptop or cell phone has many advantages.  It’s usually free (thanks, Starbucks!), doesn’t use up the data on your phone, and…well, did we mention free? But people often surf away without realizing that public WiFi connections rarely have the same type of security protections as…...

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Comcast customer “service”

We’ve heard stories of bad customer service over the years, but this takes the cake: Tech journalist Ryan Block attempted to cancel his service with Comcast, only to endure an exasperating 18 minutes with a relentless customer service representative who refused to perform the request.   (It’s interesting to note…...

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Unbundled Internet? 3 Things to Know

I made a big decision the other day: I’m breaking up with cable TV. When I move into my new apartment in August, I am parting ways with MTV, HBO, and CNN.  And I’m not alone—more and more people are choosing to forego cable in lieu of Netflix, Hulu, and….reading?…...

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Crackdown on Cramming

Did you know that  cell phone carriers can profit up to 40 percent on fraudulent third-party fees on your bill?  We were shocked, too.  Not only do these third parties “cram” charges for services you never ordered onto your bill, but wireless carriers are taking a cut! Recently, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) filed…...

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Not without a fight: Sign a petition to save your Internet

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has revealed a troubling net neutrality plan that could divide Internet traffic into a “fast lane” and “slow lane” depending on how much cash companies fork over. The plan has struck a nerve with CUB Action Network members, who sent more than 3,100 messages to…...

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