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Act now to avoid skyrocketing electric prices

We’ve been updating you on two developments that could have disastrous consequences for your power bills.  Now’s the time to act to protect YOUR interests.

ComEd customers:  Tell Congress to fix a terrible court ruling that could increase your rates by 20%

A recent federal court ruling stripped power grid operator PJM (the grid operator for Northern Illinois) of the authority to run an energy efficiency program called “Demand Response.” That’s where huge industrial customers are paid to shift electricity usage away from “peak” demand times.  The program cuts power prices for everyone, and one analysis estimated that eliminating Demand Response could jack up ComEd’s prices by 20 percent. Tell Congress to enact legislation that would renew a power grid operator’s authority to run such an important program.

Ameren customers: Tell the Illinois Commerce Commission to reject any proposal for Ameren to join a more expensive power grid

Illinois coal plant owner Dynegy has floated the idea of Ameren Illinois joining a different power grid—a move that could increase power prices by $300 million, according to a recent analysis.  Ask state regulators to reject any plan like this that would slam Ameren pocketbooks.

So far, more than 2,800 ComEd and Ameren customers have taken action. Join them on CUB’s Action Network.

Join the fight for lower utility bills in 2025!